Design Philosophy

I grew up with a Mom who would paint a new room in our house every month and would constantly change furniture arrangements. Before I knew it I was in my room rearranging furniture once a month and constantly painting my walls and finding new bed comforters etc. It was then that I realized I was developing a passion to design rooms in my home and make frequent trips to Ikea, what seemed to be my new favorite store. It's the way you can show your style through design and have multiple inspirations that create something that I love about design.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Frank Lloyd Wright

From researching Frank Lloyd Wright I learned a lot about architecture in the 1930's. I found a lot of interesting things that I had never known before. My favorite thing that I learned about Wright was his love for nature and how he was able to put all of his pieces of work incorporated into nature. I thought that his Falling Water house was amazing and the story behind it was super interesting. The fact that he covered the waterfalls instead of having them as a view so the owners could be part of the nature as an everyday thing was really different to me. Overall studying Wright has given me a new perspective on architecture and how his modern work has incorporated into todays world. This, and learning my other classmates research, was a great start off into our next project, designing a studio space, art gallery, and residential home for a selected artist. Some other great things I learned my other classmates were; Design styles, history of railroad depot design (which is the current type of building we are using), gallery and art display, lighting (which helped greatly in how our light should be for the gallery), textile design, and inclusive design related to Vision impairent (which must be incorporated through our residence).

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