Design Philosophy

I grew up with a Mom who would paint a new room in our house every month and would constantly change furniture arrangements. Before I knew it I was in my room rearranging furniture once a month and constantly painting my walls and finding new bed comforters etc. It was then that I realized I was developing a passion to design rooms in my home and make frequent trips to Ikea, what seemed to be my new favorite store. It's the way you can show your style through design and have multiple inspirations that create something that I love about design.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


These are a few pictures of my first project in interior design 102 class. The point of this project was to show gradation through some type of design.


I did this sketch super quick! And know even if I spent a couple more minutes on it, it would look a lot better! This sektch though was kind of difficult because of the napking making it hard to kind of draw and it taught me to learn how to draw and work with what I have around my surrondings. Again my persepective is so off and I still need to work on that.

Mind Map

This isn't necessarily a sketch but it was more of an activity to get our minds flowing and I wish I emptied my mind a little more and wrote down more of what was at the top of mind to get more things down on the mind map.

Room Corner

I'm not at all pleased with this sketch and wish I took more time to work on it because I know I could do better then this. The perspective is way to high up and I need to learn more of straight on views and draw what is at my eye level. 

Cross Hatch Fruit Still Life

I was also pleased with this sketch as well and I learned to look carefully at what I was drawing and be careful about drawing the shape correctly. It was a fairly difficult task for me to get the same shape or fairly the same shape but I was happy with the final outcome.


This was my first sketch of the semester and I was actually really pleased with the way that it had turned out because I'm not the best drawr but I plan to hopefully improve my skills!

Chair Views

This sketch I did fairly quick in my room and what I realized was that I had messed on the front view completley! It's suppose to be a front view but it's more kind of a perspective view but not quite! I like this sketch because I was able to acutually look at a chair for what it is.