Design Philosophy

I grew up with a Mom who would paint a new room in our house every month and would constantly change furniture arrangements. Before I knew it I was in my room rearranging furniture once a month and constantly painting my walls and finding new bed comforters etc. It was then that I realized I was developing a passion to design rooms in my home and make frequent trips to Ikea, what seemed to be my new favorite store. It's the way you can show your style through design and have multiple inspirations that create something that I love about design.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Geometric Pattern

This was the first thing I had ever created with Photoshop. I’m only half way pleased with it. I wish that I had worked more with deforming the pictures and making them a little bit cooler looking. I do like my color theme though and the way it turned out.

Quilt Pattern

This quilt was built from the textile pattern showed below and was created through Photoshop and InDesign. I was still getting use to Photoshop but I had used InDesign before in High school when I worked for the newspaper. I was really happy the way it turned out because in Photoshop I didn’t think that the pieces were connect as well as they did.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Textile Pattern

This pattern was created from my background heritage German and Norwegian. It was the second time ever working with Photoshop and I had some difficulties working the pieces to fit together once connected into a quilt. The outside borders are a part of my Norwegian heritage and the inside pieces are German.