Design Philosophy

I grew up with a Mom who would paint a new room in our house every month and would constantly change furniture arrangements. Before I knew it I was in my room rearranging furniture once a month and constantly painting my walls and finding new bed comforters etc. It was then that I realized I was developing a passion to design rooms in my home and make frequent trips to Ikea, what seemed to be my new favorite store. It's the way you can show your style through design and have multiple inspirations that create something that I love about design.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Point, Line, Plane Progression

This is yet another project in my Spring ID 102 class and only parts of the project are shown above. This project has numerous steps to it. The first step which is not shown above was that the students were given 9 different words (examples: centered, stretched, tension, dynamic, etc.). With each of those words we were given 9 boxes and we had to place a single point in the box to describe each of the 9 words. From there, with the 9 dots we had created from the words we had to add only 4 lines to the single dot to enchance the words. We then had to pick our two favorite words that we thought we're showed through the point and lines the best and those two had to be volumized. We created numerous study models to once again try and enhance the words we picked. In the pictures above you can see from the left side those were the two that I had chosen to put on my final, the words are equilibrium and static. Then those two were combined using the elements and principles that the possesed into another model that is referred to as the addition model. From the addition model we created a subtraction model where we had the same layout as the addition model but we made it as if something had went it to it and sliced out a particular chunk. For my subtraction model I tried to make it as if a triangle had come by and cut up from bottom to top. Our fifth model, which is referred to as manipulation, was created through adding color. Then the last model created, serial planes, was to create the subtraction model into only serial planes going in one direction.

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